- Real Estate
- Abuja, Nigeria
DESCRIPTION 14 unit of 3bed | 6bed apartment with 2bed basement | ball room | 2room studio apartment | Elevator |basement parking space | dedicated transformer | Swimming pool |
DESCRIPTION 14 unit of 3bed | 6bed apartment with 2bed basement | ball room | 2room studio apartment | Elevator |basement parking space | dedicated transformer | Swimming pool |
FILLING STATION along kubwa express way coming to Abuja. 13 Pumps : 10 for Petrol with 2 nozzles each. 2 for Gas with 2 nozzles each. 1 for kerosene with
SCHOOL PROPERTY FOR SALE. Location : JAHI Description: Purposely built school premise, comprising Classrooms, Hostels for both Male and female students. Students Sporting facilities, Administrative block, Multi Purpose Hall, Kitchen,